Fort Lauderdale Swimming Pool Accident Attorney

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swimming pool accident lawyerAs temperatures soar in South Florida, swimming pools become the ultimate retreat to beat the heat. Fort Lauderdale, Florida, with its array of luxurious hotel pools and public aquatic facilities, offers residents and visitors numerous options for a refreshing swim.

However, swimming pools can also be dangerous, leading to severe injuries when safety protocols are overlooked. When an accident occurs, an experienced Fort Lauderdale swimming pool accident lawyer at Schilling & Silvers Property and Accident Attorneys can help you understand your rights and pursue justice.

Pool owners and operators in Fort Lauderdale are legally responsible for maintaining a safe environment for everyone who uses their facilities, and neglecting this duty can result in serious accidents, making it crucial for victims to seek legal counsel.

For example, a defective pump at the Croissant Park Pool could create a dangerous suction that pulls your young child underwater, resulting in a tragic drowning incident, or a faulty handrail at the Fort Lauderdale Aquatic Center could cause a slip and fall, leading to a head injury on the hard concrete. These scenarios highlight the potential hazards present at public pools in the area.

Swimming is incredibly popular in Fort Lauderdale due to the warm, sunny weather; however, the risk of accidents is also significant. Public pools like PJ Meli Park Aquatic Complex, Bass Park Pool, and Carter Park Pool are bustling spots where safety must be a top priority.

By consulting with an experienced swimming pool accident attorney in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, understanding the legal responsibilities of pool owners and operators and knowing where common dangers lie, you can better safeguard yourself and your loved ones while enjoying Fort Lauderdale’s aquatic attractions.

Do Swimming Pool Accidents Happen Often in Fort Lauderdale, Florida?

Swimming pool accidents are unfortunately common in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, reflecting broader trends across the state. Given Florida’s extensive coastline, abundant lakes, rivers, and swimming pools, water safety is a critical concern for both residents and visitors. According to the CDC, Florida ranked fourth in the U.S. for unintentional drowning deaths among all ages in 2021, with an age-adjusted rate of 2.23 per 100,000 population.

From 2019 to 2021, Florida had the highest unintentional drowning death rate in the U.S. for children aged 1 to 4 years, at 6.64 per 100,000 population. Additionally, the state had the highest rate of 3.25 per 100,000 for children aged 0 to 9 years. Tragically, this translates to losing enough children under the age of five to drowning each year to fill three or four preschool classrooms.

For older children and adults, the statistics remain alarming. In 2021, Florida ranked fourth in the U.S. for unintentional drowning deaths among children aged 0 to 17 and fifth for adults aged 18 and over.

In 2014, there were 297 hospitalizations for non-fatal drownings in Florida, with children aged 1 to 4 accounting for 14% of fatalities and 41% of hospitalizations. This age group is particularly vulnerable, as drowning is the leading cause of death for children aged 1 to 4 in Florida. Most infant drownings occur in bathtubs and buckets, while children aged 5 and older are more likely to drown in natural bodies of water.

Given these sobering statistics, it’s clear that swimming pool accidents are a severe issue in Fort Lauderdale and throughout Florida. Ensuring water safety through education and preventative measures is crucial to protecting our community’s most vulnerable members.

For immediate legal assistance from an experienced Fort Lauderdale swimming pool accident lawyer, contact our law firm today. We offer free case evaluations and are never too busy to speak with you.

What Are The Leading Causes of Swimming Pool Accidents in Fort Lauderdale?

Swimming pool accidents are unfortunately all too common in Fort Lauderdale, with several factors contributing to these tragic incidents. Understanding these causes can help prevent future accidents and ensure a safe environment for all swimmers.

Lack of Supervision

One of the primary causes of swimming pool accidents, particularly involving young children, is the lack of proper supervision. Children are naturally curious and can easily get into dangerous situations if not closely watched.

Without constant supervision by parents or certified lifeguards, children can quickly find themselves in peril. According to the CDC, one-fifth of drowning deaths each day are children under fourteen years of age. Therefore, it is essential always to supervise young children around pools and consider using Coast Guard-approved life jackets for extra safety.

Slippery or Uneven Decks

Poorly maintained pool decks and walkways can pose significant slip-and-fall hazards. Slippery surfaces, loose tiles, and uneven areas can lead to dangerous falls both inside and outside of the pool. Ensuring that pool decks are made of appropriate, non-slip materials and are correctly installed and maintained can greatly reduce the risk of these accidents.


Alcohol consumption can significantly impair judgment and motor skills, increasing the risk of accidents around the pool. Even minor intoxication can slow reflexes, while severe intoxication can lead to loss of consciousness. It is crucial to consume alcohol in moderation and stay alert when near or in swimming pools to avoid drowning or other accidents.

Traumatic Brain Injury

Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are a severe and often fatal consequence of swimming pool accidents. These injuries can occur from slipping on a wet deck, diving into an improperly drained pool, or even from drowning. While not all TBIs are fatal, they can lead to long-term disabilities, making it vital to take preventive measures, such as using appropriate signage and enforcing no-diving rules in shallow areas.

Lack of Anti-Entrapment Devices

Swimming pools are required by law to have filtration systems that prevent hair, limbs, and swimsuits from being pulled into the drainage system. However, not all pools comply with these regulations. The force from a pool drain can be extreme, leading to severe injuries or even drowning if anti-entrapment devices are not in place. Ensuring pools are equipped with these devices is crucial for safety.

Other Contributing Factors

Beyond these primary causes, several other factors can lead to swimming pool accidents:

  • Missing or Faulty Safety Equipment: Proper pool barriers, such as fences with self-closing latches, are essential to prevent unsupervised access. Safety equipment like life jackets and pool noodles provides additional protection, but they must be readily available and in good condition.
  • Improper Chemical Levels: Maintaining the correct chemical balance in the pool is crucial to prevent harmful bacteria and parasites. Incorrect chlorine or bromine levels can cause irritation, illness, and discomfort, increasing the risk of drowning.
  • Electrical Hazards: Faulty pool lights, wiring, or nearby appliances can pose serious electrical risks. Ensuring all electrical components around the pool are properly maintained and grounded can prevent shocks or electrocution.
  • Diving Board Accidents: Diving boards can be fun but also dangerous if not used correctly. Diving into shallow water or unfamiliar pools can result in severe injuries like neck and spinal cord damage.
  • Pool Drain Entrapment: Although rare, pool drain entrapment is a terrifying possibility, particularly for young children. Federal safety regulations require specific drain covers to prevent such incidents.

These accidents can happen not only at public or hotel pools but also at residential swimming pools. Homeowners must be vigilant in maintaining their pools and implementing safety measures to protect all swimmers. By understanding and addressing these leading causes of swimming pool accidents, we can create a safer environment for everyone to enjoy the water.

To learn more about common causes of accidents in swimming pools reach out to a skilled Fort Lauderdale swimming pool accident attorney today. The legal team at Schilling & Silvers Property and Accident Attorneys can help you understand your rights after an injury or accident in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

What Are Florida's Laws and Requirements For Swimming Pools?

Ensuring safety and hygiene in public swimming pools is essential for protecting swimmers’ health. In Fort Lauderdale, Florida, the regulations for public swimming pools are detailed in the Florida Administrative Code, Chapter 64E-9.

These regulations encompass a wide range of requirements, from water quality standards to facility maintenance and operational protocols.

Types of Public Swimming Pools in Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Florida’s regulations classify public swimming pools into different categories, each with specific requirements:

  • Swimming Pools: General-use pools designed for recreational swimming and activities, often found in community centers, hotels, and public parks.
  • Wading Pools: Shallow pools with a depth typically not exceeding 18 inches, designed for children and often equipped with play features.
  • Special-purpose pools: These pools are designed for activities such as diving or competitive swimming and feature unique designs and safety measures.
  • Therapy Pools: Pools are used for therapeutic purposes and are commonly found in healthcare facilities, with warmer water and equipment for physical therapy.

Water Quality Standards

Maintaining high water quality in public swimming pools is crucial for ensuring safety. Florida’s regulations mandate:

  • Chlorine Levels: A free chlorine residual of at least 1.0 parts per million (ppm) must be maintained, with an upper limit of 10.0 ppm to prevent irritation.
  • pH Levels: The pH of pool water should be kept between 7.2 and 7.8 to optimize chlorine effectiveness while minimizing irritation.
  • Cyanuric Acid: Cyanuric acid levels must not exceed 100 ppm to maintain chlorine effectiveness.

Facility Maintenance

Regular maintenance of pool facilities is mandatory to comply with Florida’s regulations. Key requirements include:

  • Routine Inspections: Regular inspections must be conducted to ensure cleanliness and equipment functionality.
  • Cleanliness: The pool and surrounding areas must remain clean and free from debris, with routine cleaning of surfaces and vacuuming of the pool floor.
  • Equipment Maintenance: All pool equipment must be in good working condition, with timely repairs to prevent malfunctions.

Operational Protocols

Public pool operators in Fort Lauderdale, Florida must follow specific protocols for safety:

  • Lifeguards: Depending on the pool’s size, lifeguards may be required to ensure swimmer safety.
  • Signage: Clear signage must indicate rules, depth markings, and emergency contacts, ensuring user visibility.
  • Emergency Equipment: Pools must be equipped with life rings, backboards, and first aid kits, and they must be regularly checked for accessibility.

Safety Measures

Additional mandated safety measures include:

  • Fencing: Pools must have barriers to prevent unauthorized access, especially for young children.
  • Drain Covers: Anti-entrapment drain covers are required to prevent swimmers from being trapped.
  • Chemical Storage: Pool chemicals must be stored safely, following guidelines for handling and disposal.

Compliance and Inspections

The Florida Department of Health routinely inspects public swimming pools in Florida to ensure compliance with regulations. Inspectors check adherence to water quality, facility maintenance, and safety measures. Non-compliance can lead to fines, pool closure, or other penalties.

For a free case evaluation, contact an experienced Fort Lauderdale swimming pool accident lawyer today. Our legal team is available to answer any questions you have.

Are There Laws for Residential Swimming Pools in Florida?

In Florida, residential swimming pool laws aim to prevent drowning incidents, especially among children. Florida Statute 515.27 outlines these regulations to ensure pool safety.

Pool Safety Features Required

Before a pool can pass inspection and receive a certificate of completion, it must have one of the following safety features:

  1. Enclosure: A barrier at least four feet high that prevents unsupervised access.
  2. Safety Pool Cover: A robust cover meeting ASTM standards.
  3. Exit Alarms: Alarms on doors and windows leading to the pool with a minimum sound pressure rating of 85 decibels.
  4. Self-Closing and Self-Latching Doors: Doors with a self-closing and self-latching mechanism are placed at least 54 inches above the floor.
  5. Pool Barriers: Barriers must be at least four feet high, have no gaps or openings a child could pass through, be placed around the pool perimeter, separate from other fences or walls, unless they meet the same safety standards and be far enough from the water’s edge to prevent immediate access.

Contractors must inform new pool owners or home buyers about Florida’s drowning prevention laws and pool ownership responsibilities. Failure to install these features can result in a misdemeanor, but compliance within 45 days and attendance at a drowning prevention program waive penalties.

Am I Liable If a Child is Injured or Drowns in My Swimming Pool?

The attractive nuisance doctrine in Florida acknowledges that children, due to their youth and immaturity, often fail to understand the dangers associated with particular objects and conditions. Under this doctrine, property owners may be held liable if an attractive nuisance injures a child trespasser.

What is Florida’s “Attractive Nuisance Doctrine”?

Swimming pools are a typical example of an attractive nuisance. Florida Statute 768.075 highlights that property owners have a different duty of care towards child trespassers than adult trespassers.

Specifically, if a property owner fails to take precautions to protect children from a dangerous condition that might attract them, they could be held liable for any resulting injuries.

Legal Requirements and Responsibilities

The attractive nuisance doctrine generally applies when:

  • The property owner could reasonably anticipate the presence of children.
  • The property contains a condition that is both dangerous and attractive to children.
  • The children are too young to understand the risk posed by the condition.
  • The property owner fails to implement safeguards that could prevent harm without unreasonable burden.

Other Attractive Nuisances

Beyond pools, other items such as trampolines, lawn tractors, and unattended power tools can also be considered attractive nuisances. Florida Statute 823.08 lists specific items like iceboxes and refrigerators as attractive nuisances if they are abandoned or discarded without removing the doors.

To learn more about Florida’s laws in regards to swimming pools and children as victims, contact a skilled Fort Lauderdale swimming pool accident attorney at our law firm today.

What Are Some Types of Swimming Pool Accident Injuries in Fort Lauderdale, Florida?

Swimming pools, while a source of enjoyment and exercise, can also pose significant dangers, leading to various types of accidents and injuries. In Fort Lauderdale, Florida, some of the most common swimming pool accident injuries include:

Near-Drowning Injuries: Near-drowning incidents can have devastating, long-term consequences. When a person is submerged in water and deprived of oxygen, it can result in severe brain damage. The extent of the damage depends on how long the brain is starved of oxygen. Victims may suffer from:

  • Cognitive impairments
  • Motor skill deficits
  • Language processing issues
  • Neurological function problems

Entrapment Injuries: Children are particularly at risk of getting trapped in pool drains due to faulty or malfunctioning equipment. Such incidents can cause severe injuries, including:

  • Bowel damage
  • Internal injuries
  • Other critical bodily harm

These injuries can have lifelong consequences, necessitating ongoing medical attention and care.

Spinal Cord and Traumatic Brain Injuries: Diving into shallow water is a common cause of serious injuries, including:

  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs)

These injuries can lead to permanent disabilities, affecting the victim’s motor skills, cognitive abilities, and overall neurological function. In severe cases, victims may experience partial or complete paralysis, impacting their breathing and other vital functions.

Slips and Falls: Pool areas are often wet and slippery, increasing the risk of slip and fall accidents. These can result in:

  • Broken bones
  • Sprains
  • Head injuries
  • Lacerations

Chemical Injuries: Improperly balanced pool chemicals can cause skin irritations, respiratory issues, and eye injuries. Exposure to high levels of chlorine or other pool chemicals can lead to:

  • Chemical burns
  • Allergic reactions
  • Long-term respiratory problems

The injuries resulting from swimming pool accidents can be life-altering for the victims and their families. The financial burden of medical treatment, long-term care, and rehabilitation can be overwhelming.

In such cases, it is crucial to seek the assistance of a swimming pool accident attorney. An experienced Fort Lauderdale personal injury attorney can help hold the responsible party liable and ensure that victims receive fair compensation for their injuries and associated costs.

Determining Liability In Swimming Pool Accident Claims in Fort Lauderdale, Florida

As Florida’s temperatures rise, swimming pools become popular, but accidents are more likely to occur. In Florida, swimming pool accidents fall under premises liability law, meaning the pool owner can be held responsible for injuries resulting from negligence.

Visitor Status and Duty of Care

Liability depends on the visitor’s status:

  1. Invitees: Legally present, such as paying customers. Owners must ensure the pool is safe and regularly inspected.
  2. Licensees: Guests invited by the owner. They must be warned about non-obvious hazards.
  3. Trespassers: Generally owed limited care, but if a child trespasses, the “attractive nuisance doctrine” applies, requiring extra precautions.

Establishing Negligence

To prove liability, the injured party must show:

  • Duty of Care: The owner had a responsibility to keep the pool safe.
  • Breach of Duty: The owner failed in this responsibility.
  • Causation: The injury directly resulted from the breach.
  • Damages: The injured party suffered losses due to the accident.

Pool owners should implement safety measures to prevent accidents. If you or someone you know has been injured, consult an experienced swimming pool accident attorney in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, to explore your options for seeking compensation.

Who Can Be Held Responsible in a Swimming Pool Accident in Fort Lauderdale?

Determining liability in swimming pool accidents in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, involves several parties, depending on the circumstances.

Property Owner: The owner may be held responsible for failing to maintain the pool or not providing adequate safety measures.

Pool Operator: If a lifeguard or pool management company operates the facility, they may share liability if negligence or safety protocol violations contributed to the accident.

Contractors or Maintenance Companies: Those involved in the pool’s construction or maintenance could be liable if defects or improper repairs led to the incident.

Visitors or Users: If a pool user engages in reckless behavior or disregards safety warnings, they may bear some responsibility for the accident.

Product Manufacturer/Distributor: Manufacturers of faulty toys or equipment involved in the incident may also be held accountable.

Consulting a legal representative can help identify all responsible parties and pursue necessary legal action.

Experienced Personal Injury Lawyers in Fort Lauderdale, Florida

At Schilling & Silvers, we understand the complexities of swimming pool and drowning accident cases in Fort Lauderdale. With years of experience in personal injury law, our dedicated team is committed to advocating for victims and their families. We recognize the devastating impact these accidents can have, and we strive to secure the compensation you deserve for medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Don’t hesitate to reach out if you or a loved one has been affected by a swimming pool accident. Contact us today for a free case evaluation, and let our expertise guide you through the legal process with compassion and determination. Your safety and well-being are our top priorities.

Locations near Fort Lauderdale which our the legal team at our accident and injury law firm serve include Hialeah, Pompano Beach,  Coral Springs, Pembroke Pines, Plantation, Hollywood, and more.