Pembroke Pines Car Accident Attorney

A sudden car crash in Pembroke Pines, Florida, can disrupt your life in countless ways. Many injuries require immediate and ongoing treatment, forcing you to halt your usual activities and potentially miss work.

As experienced Pembroke Pines car accident lawyers, our legal team understands that these injuries can be painful and challenging to manage, with some victims facing permanent impairments that serve as constant reminders of their traumatic experiences.

While navigating the aftermath of a car accident is undoubtedly difficult, securing compensation for your injuries and losses can alleviate some of the financial and emotional burdens. However, many accident victims are unsure of their rights or the steps needed to pursue compensation. Whether you need to file an insurance claim or a lawsuit, you don’t have to handle these challenges alone.

Consider these scenarios: You’re driving on Pembroke Road after shopping at Super Bravo Flamingo when a distracted driver rear-ends you at a red light. Or, you’re picking up your kids from the Pembroke Lakes Mall and a drunk driver heading the wrong way causes a multi-car collision. In these stressful situations, having a knowledgeable Pembroke Pines car accident lawyer on your side can make all the difference.

Our car accident attorneys in Pembroke Pines, Florida, specialize in guiding accident victims through the legal process, ensuring you receive the compensation you deserve. The legal team at Schilling & Silvers Personal Injury and Car Accident Lawyers is dedicated to advocating for your rights. Contact us today to discuss your case and explore your options for recovery.

How Often Do Auto Accidents Happen in Pembroke Pines, Florida?

Pembroke Pines, located in southern Broward County, Florida, approximately 22 miles north of Miami, is a bustling city with a population of around 171,178 as of the 2020 census, ranking as the fourth-most populous city in the Miami metropolitan area.

The city’s high traffic volume, driven by several busy roads such as U.S. 27, University Drive, Florida’s Turnpike, Interstate 75, Sheridan Street, Flamingo Road, and Pembroke Road, makes it a hotspot for car accidents.

In 2022, Broward County, which includes Pembroke Pines, recorded significant car accident statistics. According to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, the county experienced 40,837 total crashes, resulting in 288 fatalities and 23,717 injuries.

These figures underscore the critical importance of safe driving practices and highlight the need for knowledgeable legal representation, like that provided by a Pembroke Pines car accident lawyer, in case of an accident.

Additionally, data from the Florida Health Department reveals that Broward County had an age-adjusted rate of 14.4 deaths per 100,000 population from motor vehicle crashes in 2022, slightly lower than Florida’s state average of 15.8 deaths per 100,000 population.

While this shows a relatively favorable position compared to the state average, it emphasizes the ongoing risks on Pembroke Pines’ roads and the crucial role of experienced legal support for accident victims.

Over the years, the age-adjusted death rates from motor vehicle crashes in Broward County have fluctuated, ranging from a high of 16.7 per 100,000 population in 2005 to a low of 9.7 in 2014.

These variations highlight the persistent dangers on the roads in Pembroke Pines and neighboring areas, underscoring the need for heightened awareness and proactive safety measures among residents and visitors alike.

For immediate legal assistance from a skilled Pembroke Pines car accident lawyer, contact our legal team today. We offer free case evaluations and can answer any questions you may have.

What is Causing So Many Car Crashes in Pembroke Pines, Florida?

While each accident is unique, several common factors consistently contribute to these incidents. Understanding the common causes of accidents is crucial for staying safe on the road. Here are the most prevalent factors contributing to car accidents in Pembroke Pines, Florida:

  1. Distracted Driving: Activities like texting, using a phone, or eating divert attention from driving, contributing to numerous fatalities nationwide.
  2. Drunk Driving: With a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08 percent or more, drunk driving remains a leading cause of accidents nationwide.
  3. Speeding: Exceeding speed limits reduces reaction time and increases the severity of accidents.
  4. Aggressive Driving: Speeding, careless driving, and failure to yield are common behaviors leading to fatal crashes.
  5. Lack of Experience: Young drivers, despite representing a small percentage of all drivers, are involved in a disproportionate number of fatal accidents.
  6. Hazardous Weather: Adverse conditions such as rain, high winds, and fog contribute significantly to car accidents.
  7. Unsafe Road Conditions: Poorly maintained roads, including potholes and uneven surfaces, contribute to accidents and require regular maintenance.
  8. Mechanical Defects: While less common, mechanical failures like brake malfunctions can lead to serious and sometimes fatal accidents, highlighting the importance of regular vehicle maintenance.

At Schilling & Silvers Personal Injury and Car Accident Lawyers, our dedicated Pembroke Pines car accident attorneys are committed to assisting clients through these challenging times. Car wrecks often lead to serious injuries or the loss of loved ones, causing both physical and emotional pain as well as financial difficulties. Victims should not face the road to recovery alone.

If you have been injured or lost a loved one in a car crash, contact us to schedule a FREE case evaluation. We will explore every avenue to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.

How Do You Determine Liability in a Car Accident in Pembroke Pines, Florida?

One of the most crucial aspects of any car accident claim is determining who was at fault. This process involves identifying which driver’s negligence led to the accident and, consequently, the injuries sustained.

Proving fault can sometimes be straightforward, such as in a rear-end collision where one car was clearly stopped. However, in more complex cases where both drivers may have contributed to the accident, determining fault can be challenging.

Many people are reluctant to admit fault, especially when significant financial consequences are at stake. Without eyewitnesses or video evidence, reconstructing an accident accurately can be difficult.

Determining fault in a car accident is crucial for cases involving significant property damage or severe injuries. Establishing liability can impact the additional compensation you might be eligible to receive beyond your personal injury protection (PIP) coverage.

How Fault is Determined

In Pembroke Pines, determining fault typically involves several key steps and pieces of evidence:

  • Traffic Law Violations: Any violations, such as speeding, running red lights, or failing to yield, are strong indicators of negligence. These infractions are crucial in assigning fault as they demonstrate a breach of traffic laws.
  • Police Reports: The report from the Pembroke Pines police department provides an official account of the accident, including observations, statements from involved parties and witnesses, and the officer’s conclusions. This report is a critical piece of evidence in determining who is at fault.
  • Witness Testimonies: Eyewitness accounts can provide an unbiased perspective on the accident. These testimonies help corroborate or dispute the drivers’ statements and can clarify the sequence of events leading to the collision.
  • Accident Reconstruction Experts: In complex cases, experts may be called to analyze the accident scene, vehicle damage, and other evidence to reconstruct the events. Their expertise can be invaluable when a fault is disputed or unclear.

Florida’s Pure Comparative Fault Rule

Florida follows a “pure comparative fault” rule. This means that if more than one party is found to be negligent, each driver is held accountable for their portion of the total damages. For example, if you are deemed 30% responsible for the accident, you can still recover 70% of your total losses. This rule allows for a fair distribution of damages based on each party’s degree of fault.

The Role of Insurance Adjusters

Insurance company adjusters play a significant role in determining fault. They review all available evidence, including police reports, driver statements, and witness testimonies, to assign a percentage of fault to each party involved. However, keep in mind that insurance companies aim to minimize their payouts, which means their conclusions may not always align with your best interests.

What If I Was Partially Liable For the Pembroke Pines Car Accident?

In Florida, you can potentially recover damages even if you bear partial fault. Compensation is reduced proportionally to the injured party’s degree of fault. For instance, if you are 20% at fault and incur $100,000 in damages, you could potentially receive $80,000 after the reduction.

  • Illustrative Example: Consider Martha driving in Pembroke Pines during rain without headlights and above the speed limit, and Bob failing to yield at a stop sign, resulting in a collision. If Martha is deemed 30% at fault and Bob 70%, Martha’s damages would be adjusted accordingly, demonstrating how Florida’s comparative negligence law applies in real-life scenarios.

How Will Florida’s No-Fault Laws Affect My Claim?

Florida operates under a no-fault car insurance system. This means that, regardless of who is at fault in an accident, each driver’s own insurance policy covers their medical expenses and lost wages up to a certain limit. All drivers are required to carry a minimum of $10,000 in Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage, which covers up to 80% of medical bills and 60% of lost wages.

However, this coverage may not be sufficient if you have sustained serious injuries. In cases where the other driver is uninsured, you will need to file a claim with your own insurance company, which may then seek to recover the costs from the at-fault driver. Additionally, if your injuries are severe, such as significant and permanent loss of bodily function, disfigurement, or permanent injury, you may pursue additional compensation from the at-fault driver.

The Role of a Pembroke Pines Car Accident Lawyer

If you need to file an accident claim with your own insurance or seek additional compensation, an experienced personal injury lawyer can be invaluable. At Schilling & Silvers Personal Injury and Car Accident Lawyers, our experienced attorneys understand the intricacies of Florida’s no-fault insurance laws and can handle all aspects of your claim.

Advantages of Hiring a Legal Representative:

  1. Expert Navigation of Insurance Claims: Insurance companies, focused on their bottom line, often use tactics to minimize payouts. An attorney will counter these tactics, ensuring you receive the full benefits of your PIP coverage and additional compensation if applicable.
  2. Accurate and Timely Filing: Filing an insurance claim can be complicated, and mistakes can be costly. A lawyer will gather all necessary information, complete the paperwork accurately, and submit it on time, reducing the risk of claim denial or underpayment.
  3. Negotiation and Litigation: If your insurance company is uncooperative or offers a low settlement, your attorney can negotiate on your behalf. If necessary, they can also file a lawsuit to ensure you get the compensation you deserve.
  4. Focus on Recovery: Handling a claim while recovering from an injury can be overwhelming. A car accident lawyer in Pembroke Pines will manage all legal aspects, allowing you to focus on healing.

What Are “Damages” in a Pembroke Pines Car Accident Claim?

In the aftermath of an auto accident in Pembroke Pines, Florida, understanding what constitutes “damages” is crucial for pursuing the compensation you deserve. Damages encompass various losses you may suffer due to the accident, as outlined by Schilling & Silvers Personal Injury and Car Accident Lawyers:

  1. Medical Expenses: This includes costs related to hospitalization, surgeries, doctor visits, rehabilitation, and ongoing medical care necessary due to your injuries sustained in the car accident.
  2. Lost Wages: Compensation for the income you couldn’t earn because of your injuries, ensuring you’re covered for the time off work.
  3. Property Damage: Expenses incurred for repairing or replacing your vehicle that was damaged in the accident.
  4. Pain and Suffering: Compensation for the physical pain and emotional distress endured as a result of the accident and your injuries.

It’s important to note that Florida imposes “personal injury damage caps” on non-economic damages in such cases. These caps restrict the maximum compensation you can receive for pain and suffering and other non-financial losses.

Consulting with a knowledgeable Pembroke Pines car accident attorney can help you navigate these complexities and determine the potential value of your claim based on the specifics of your situation.

Can I Be Compensated for “Pain and Suffering” After the Crash?

Yes, you can seek compensation for pain and suffering in Florida following an auto accident, provided certain conditions are met.

Pain and suffering fall under “non-economic” damages, which encompass the emotional and physical toll resulting from your injuries. Unlike economic damages, which cover tangible expenses like medical bills, pain and suffering are more subjective in nature and aim to acknowledge your hardships.

Understanding when you can claim these damages and how they are quantified is crucial. Factors such as the severity of your injuries, their impact on your daily life, and the duration of your recovery are considered in determining the compensation you may receive.

To navigate the complexities of pain and suffering claims effectively, consulting with an experienced car accident lawyer in Pembroke Pines, Florida, can provide invaluable guidance.

Who Covers The Costs of My Medical Bills After a Car Crash in Pembroke Pines?

Following a car accident in Pembroke Pines, Florida, understanding who covers your medical bills is crucial, given the potential costs involved. Here’s what you need to know:

How Are Medical Bills Paid After a Car Accident?

In Florida, the responsibility for paying medical bills typically starts with Personal Injury Protection (PIP) insurance. This coverage is mandatory for all drivers and is designed to provide immediate financial assistance regardless of fault. PIP covers up to 80% of reasonable medical expenses and 60% of lost wages, up to a maximum of $10,000, for injuries sustained in a covered accident.

Key Points About PIP:

  • Coverage Details: PIP extends to medical treatments, hospitalizations, rehabilitation, and other necessary medical services related to the accident.
  • Emergency vs. Non-Emergency Care: PIP covers $10,000 for emergency medical conditions and $2,500 for non-emergency medical conditions.
  • Lost Wages: If your injuries prevent you from working, PIP can reimburse you for a portion of your lost wages.

Can You Sue for Medical Bills After a Car Accident in Florida?

While Florida operates under a no-fault system where PIP is primary, there are circumstances where you may pursue additional compensation beyond PIP limits:

  • Serious Injuries: If your injuries meet certain thresholds such as significant and permanent loss of a bodily function, permanent injury, or disfigurement, you may file a lawsuit against the at-fault driver for damages exceeding PIP coverage.
  • Non-Economic Damages: In cases involving severe injuries, you can seek compensation for pain and suffering, mental anguish, and diminished quality of life.

What Is Whiplash and How Do I Know If I Have Soft Tissue Damage?

Whiplash is a common neck injury often occurring in car accidents, particularly rear-end collisions, where the neck undergoes rapid back-and-forth movement, damaging the soft tissues. Understanding whiplash and its symptoms is crucial for individuals involved in car accidents in Pembroke Pines, Florida.

Whiplash affects the cervical spine, causing damage to muscles and ligaments due to sudden, forceful head movements experienced during accidents. Medical professionals classify whiplash based on the direction of the injury:

  • Hyperextension Injury: Head thrusts forward.
  • Hyperflexion Injury: Head jerks backward.
  • Cervical Strain or Sprain: Damage to neck muscles and ligaments.

Symptoms of Whiplash

Recognizing symptoms is vital for early diagnosis and treatment:

  • Neck Pain and Stiffness: Develops within 24 hours post-accident.
  • Headaches: Start at the base of the skull and move towards the forehead.
  • Dizziness and Fatigue: Often accompany other symptoms.
  • Shoulder and Arm Pain: May include numbness or tingling.
  • Limited Range of Motion: Difficulty moving the neck without pain.

What is Soft Tissue Damage?

Soft tissue damage encompasses injuries to the muscles, ligaments, and tendons. In the context of a car accident, this can include:

  • Muscle Strains and Sprains: Overstretching or tearing of the muscles or ligaments.
  • Herniated or Bulging Discs: Displacement of the spinal discs that can press on nerves, causing pain and other symptoms.
  • Damage to Tendons: Injuries to the connective tissues that attach muscles to bones.

Seeking Medical Attention

After a Pembroke Pines car accident, seek immediate medical attention if you suspect whiplash or soft tissue damage. Diagnosis through physical exams and imaging tests (X-rays, MRIs, CT scans) is crucial for timely treatment and recovery.

Do I Have To Report a Car Crash in Pembroke Pines, Florida?

Florida law mandates the reporting of car accidents under specific circumstances. If the accident results in injury, death, or property damage exceeding $500, it must be reported to local law enforcement. Familiarizing yourself with these requirements is crucial if you find yourself in a car accident in Pembroke Pines, Florida.

What Are Florida’s Car Accident Reporting Requirements?

When involved in a car accident in Florida, drivers are obligated to fulfill several legal duties based on the severity of the incident. According to Florida Statutes §316.027, if you are involved in an accident, you must:

  • Stop and Remain at the Scene: Ensure you don’t obstruct traffic and stay until you’ve fulfilled all legal obligations.
  • Provide Information: Share your personal details, driver’s license, vehicle registration, and insurance information with other involved parties and law enforcement officers.
  • Assist Injured Individuals: Render reasonable aid to any injured persons, including arranging medical help when necessary.

Reporting Requirements Based on Incident Type

  • Accidents Involving Injury or Death: Immediately contact law enforcement. If an officer isn’t present, submit a “Driver Report of Traffic Crash” to the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles.
  • Legal Consequences: Failure to report can lead to severe penalties, including potential felony charges and driver’s license suspension.
  • Accidents Causing Property Damage: Even without injuries, report if property damage exceeds $500 to law enforcement or via self-reporting to the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles.

Cooperating with Law Enforcement

When law enforcement arrives, all parties involved must cooperate fully, providing necessary information such as name, address, driver’s license, and proof of insurance. Statements made to officers about the accident cannot be used as evidence in subsequent trials.

Florida Auto Insurance Requirements

Florida mandates minimal auto insurance coverage for all drivers:

  • Property Damage Liability: Coverage of $10,000 for damage caused to others.
  • Personal Injury Protection (PIP): Coverage of $10,000 for medical expenses, regardless of fault.

Understanding No-Fault Coverage and Legal Implications

In exchange for PIP benefits covering medical expenses, individuals typically waive their right to sue for pain and suffering unless they meet specific criteria for a permanent injury.

Comparative Fault and Legal Proceedings

Florida applies comparative fault principles, allowing recovery of damages proportionate to each party’s degree of fault. It’s essential to understand how this impacts potential compensation in a car accident lawsuit.

Statute of Limitations

There is a strict timeframe, defined by Florida Statutes §95.11, within which a car accident lawsuit must be filed:

  • Injury Accidents: Two years from the date of the accident.
  • Fatal Accidents: Two years from the date of death.

What Type of Settlement Can I Expect For My Pembroke Pines Car Accident Case?

When you’ve been involved in a car accident in Pembroke Pines, Florida, determining the potential settlement amount depends on several key factors. These include the severity of injuries sustained, the extent of property damage, and the assignment of liability. For personalized guidance on your case specifics, consulting with a knowledgeable Pembroke Pines car accident lawyer is essential.

Factors Influencing Your Settlement:

Understanding these critical aspects can provide clarity on what to expect from your car accident settlement:

  1. Severity of Injuries:
    The extent and seriousness of your injuries significantly impact the settlement amount. Severe injuries requiring extensive medical treatment and long-term care generally lead to higher compensation.
  2. Economic Damages:
    Medical expenses, both current and future, play a pivotal role in calculating your settlement. This includes hospital bills, rehabilitation costs, medications, and ongoing therapies.
  3. Lost Income and Earning Capacity:
    If your injuries prevent you from working or reduce your ability to earn income in the future, you may be entitled to compensation for lost wages and diminished earning capacity.
  4. Property Damage:
    The cost of repairing or replacing your vehicle and any damaged personal belongings is included in the settlement evaluation.
  5. Fault and Liability:
    Florida’s comparative fault system determines how liability affects your potential settlement. If you are found partially responsible for the accident, your compensation may be reduced proportionally.
  6. Insurance Coverage:
    The insurance policies involved, including those of both parties in the accident, impact settlement negotiations. Adequate coverage by the at-fault party can facilitate a smoother recovery process.
  7. Pain and Suffering:
    Non-economic damages such as pain and suffering, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment of life are also considered in your settlement. These factors are crucial for a comprehensive assessment of your losses.

Pembroke Pines, Florida

In Pembroke Pines, Florida, exciting infrastructure projects are currently underway, poised to transform the city and enhance its offerings for residents and visitors alike. Two prominent developments include:

  1. The City Center: Situated south of Pines Boulevard and west of Palm Avenue, The City Center is a substantial project encompassing approximately 300,000 square feet of lifestyle and commercial space. It boasts a diverse array of businesses and is complemented by residential components. This mixed-use environment promotes a vibrant live-work-play dynamic.
  2. 16000 Pines Market: Formerly a postal distribution center, the 16000 Pines Market is undergoing a considerable revitalization. The site will feature prominent tenants and enhance the area’s retail landscape. Additionally, there will be the development of residential townhomes as part of this project too, further enriching community appeal.

These developments are expected to draw more people to Pembroke Pines, Florida, stimulating local commerce and increasing downtown traffic. With growth comes heightened vehicular activity and the potential for increased motor vehicle accidents. It’s essential for residents and visitors to stay informed about these changes to navigate the evolving cityscape safely.

For dependable auto services in Pembroke Pines, consider trusted providers:

  • Star Auto Techs – ASE and Mercedes-Benz Master Certified, conveniently located at the corner of Pines Blvd & Flamingo Rd.
  • Jacob’s Garage – A family-owned business since 1986, offering a wide range of automotive repairs and services.
  • AAMCO Pembroke Pines – Known for expert transmission services and comprehensive car care.
  • 360 Rehab Services – Providing holistic healthcare solutions including convenient telehealth options for community access.

These local businesses play a crucial role in meeting the automotive needs of the community amidst ongoing urban development.

Knowledgeable Auto Accident Attorneys in Pembroke Pines, Florida

At Schilling & Silvers Personal Injury and Car Accident Lawyers, our team of experienced car accident attorneys in Pembroke Pines, Florida, is dedicated to advocating for the rights of accident victims. With a deep understanding of local laws and a track record of successful settlements and verdicts, we are committed to providing personalized legal representation tailored to each client’s unique needs.

Whether negotiating with insurance companies or litigating in court, we strive to achieve maximum compensation for our clients, helping them recover physically, emotionally, and financially.

If you’ve been injured in an auto accident, trust Schilling & Silvers Personal Injury and Car Accident Lawyers to provide the skilled legal guidance and support you deserve. Schedule a consultation today to discuss your case and learn how we can assist you during this challenging time.

Locations near Pembroke Pines we serve include Fort Lauderdale, Coral Springs, Pompano Beach, Plantation, Hialeah, Hollywood, and more.